
Oase AquaActiv QuickSticks 6 in 1 water test kit

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Oase Quicksticks 6 in1 check six of the most important water values at once.

Water analysis using quicksticks is fast, simple and reliable (even for beginners).  Water quality is the crucial factor for the biological balance and the health of aquaponics or pond fish. Consequently, from time to time it is necessary to check the water values and take corrective measures if necessary.

Oase Quicksticks Test For:

  • pH
  • GH (Total Water Hardness)
  • KH (Carbonate Hardness)
  • Nitrite
  • Nitrate
  • Chlorine

50 test sticks are included in the tube

Five of the most important water values are provided at a glance: pH value, total hardness, carbonate hardness, nitrite, and nitrate.

• Dip a test strip for 1 second into the water that will be checked.
• Briefly shake off the strip and wait for approximately 1 minute.
• Compare the colour fields on the strip with the colour scales.

Unfortunately, tap water is not always suitable for fish and plants. For example, excessive nitrate or chlorine in tap water can pollute the water for the fish.

From time to time it is also a good idea to check the tap water that is used to fill the fish tank or pond.