PondMAX Clarifier Bacteria

Regular price $40.00
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PondMAX Pond Clarifier Bacteria is a blend of naturally occuring bacteria strains formulated to clear sediment and organic debris from the bottom of the pond, reducing the need for regular pond filter cleaning.

This product is a concentrated blend and is highly effective at reducing ammonia, nitrates, phosphates and hydrocarbons.

 PondMAX Pond Clarifier Bacteria is safe for pets, fish, plants and wildlife.

Calculate your pond volume
L x W x Ave. Depth (m) x 1000 = Litres

Dosage Instructions:

• INITIAL MONTH: Add 10 grams (1 level scoop) of treatment per 2000L of pond water every week for one month and then add one level scoop once a fortnight to maintain pond efficiency.

• The STARTER dose over the first month will help to establish a population of good bacteria

• The MAINTENANCE dose helps to top up the population ensuring that the bacteria are present in effective numbers to help combat pond sludge, sediment and excess nutrient levels in the pond ecosystem.

Always follow the dosing instructions on the packaging.

Keep out of reach of children and wash your hands after use.