PondMAX CleanMAX+ 470ml Liquid

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CleanMAX+ is a rapid algaecide, it is used to remove debris and clean all aspects of the pond. Use CleanMAX+ on waterfalls, plant pots & streams.

CleanMAX+ is designed to be a 'Quick Fix', it is recommended that other PondMAX treatments be used after CleanMAX+ treatments for best results.

To work effectively ensure there is a significant amount of aeration from waterfalls, bubblers and pumps. CleanMAX+ requires heavy aeration especially in hot weather.

It is safe for pets, fish, plants and wildlife.

Please note: PondMax have changed the labels on this product, you may recieve either label as the transition filters through. 

Dosage Instructions:

Add 5ml per 379L once a week and shake well before use.

CleanMAX+ should only be applied a maximum of once per week.

Add another 5ml a week after the initial dose.
A 470ml bottle will treat 36,340L.

Always follow the dosing instructions on the packaging.

Keep out of reach of children and wash your hands after use.