PondMAX ClearMAX 470ml Liquid

Regular price $29.00
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ClearMAX is a fast acting water clarifier that works quickly for clear pond water. This product is a flocculent. 

On application, it works quickly to settle suspended pond water debris to the bottom of the pond, within 1-3 hours.

A 470ml bottle will treat 30,000L

Calculate your pond volume
L x W x Ave. Depth (m) x 1000 = Litres

Dosage Instructions:

Add 30ml of ClearMax for every 1892L of pond water, ie:
- 10ml treats 630L
- 15ml (std measuring cup included) treats 945L
- 30ml treats 1892L
- 100ml treats 6306L
- 470ml (bottle size) treats 30,000L
For persistent problems - add another 30ml every 3 days until the pond becomes clear.

Always follow the dosing instructions on the packaging.

It is safe for pets, fish, plants and wildlife. Keep out of reach of children and wash your hands after use.